I met a girl once who obsessed so much about a successful future. She grew up around successful, intelligent figures and examples who walked so that she could run, and she knew nothing else but to live up to and exceed the bar.
Here is the thing: the core of who she was, is a mix of a creativity inherited from her father, feminism instilled by her mother and then herself- the one who has been shaped by her environment, relationships, choices and observations.

She had grown up being told that she could be anything she wanted to be, like many children are told by their supportive parents and grandparents. But what happens when that child grows up wanting to be all the things? Especially when the norm in society, perhaps with the influence of the economy, is set up for us to pursue one passion?

She set out to find out what her thing was- what her interest was that would make her successful, the one thing that would make her exceed the bar. She was educated, adventurous, dabbled in many interests she was passionate about but she struggled. She couldn’t focus.
Her hunger to succeed and naivety got her in situations where her hard work and passion was exploited for the gain of others. However, these experiences also opened her eyes. She grew up, had a taste of what the real world was like. She created boundaries. She set a standard, and that was the beginning of Her becoming…

This past weekend, 10 years later, she was in Boston. She now leads a community that uplifts the multifaceted essence of women with an extension, she is a wife, a mother, and also works corporately in an industry that she is very passionate about.

Turns out that she didn’t need to find that one thing. She only had to allow herself to love what she loves and do the work. Yet, she is still fueled to do more.
I say, why not? Life is for the living. Life is truly a gift. Are you truly appreciating this gift if you are not exploring everything the Creator has put in you?
