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Elevate your aesthetic with these floor mirrors

Writer: Efuwa TometyEfuwa Tomety

They are not only to check out your perfectly styled (or not) outfit. Not only are they functional in your space, mirrors are also decorative, and the ones we are going to talk about today will absolutely elevate the aesthetic of wherever you choose to place them. They brighten up a room by bouncing light and space around and make it appear more open and airy with the tendency of making even the darkest rooms look bright.

Before we carry on, you first need to know that whenever you are looking to purchase a quality mirror, you check for these three things: quality of glass, mirror thickness, and mirror silvering. The glass should have a flat surface. To avoid a misshapen reflection, a mirror with 1/4 thickness is recommended especially if you are not positioning it flat on the wall. If you are however curious about what other thickness options you have available, mirrors for the home are available in 1/8, 3/16, and 1/4 thickness.

Finally, mirror silvering is the coating you find on one side of the glass that makes up your mirror, usually made up of silver nitrate and other chemical compounds. Quality mirrors should have a high quality, thick coating of silvering.

Quirky, minimal or classic, you are now well equipped to chose a mirror for yourself. So without further ado, let’s dive into the real reason why you are here:

Estelle Floor Mirror

wavy floor mirror from urban outfitters
Urban Outfitters- $599.00

Emmy Black Floor Mirror

Emmy Black Floor Mirror at crate and barrel
Crate & Barrel - $849.00

Gleaming Primrose Mirror

stylish floor mirror from Anthropologie
Anthropologie- $438.40 – $1,278.40

Safi Floor Mirror

fun, quirky, abstract leaning floor mirror
Urban Outfitters- $599.00

Curvy, Squiggle Mirror

Curvy Large Floor Mirror - Squiggle Mirror - Long Mirror - Full Length Mirror - Asymmetric Mirror - Floor Length Mirror - Unique Mirror
Etsy- $720.00

Berke Oversized Iron Frame Floor Mirror

Large iron frame floor mirror
Pottery Barn $799.00

Edge Extra-Large Black Arch Floor Mirror

Oversized arch aesthetic floor mirror
Crate & Barrel - $799

Tell us, which mirror will you be investing in and what more home content you'd like to see here in the comments.

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